Thursday, December 16, 2010

Friday, December 03, 2010

A New Journey

I love Snow Flakes. It was the most beautiful thing in the world :)

God is awesome!!

Above All

Good Friday! :) It has been so long that I almost forgot that I have a blog. I was just so busy this year with lots of things from Marriage to travelling.. This is the very year that I took most plane too :)

I m glad that now I can sit down in peace to listen to God's word and a devotional song. I am listening to the Song above All... Above all things in this world there is a greater joy and power above us.

I could say that I have a a mixture of good and bad experience this year. I got married to the man I love and above all he love God first before me. I was given the chance to Lecture in Hong Kong and to experience a different crowd of student and culture. I went to Sabah for the first time to visit my in laws and wearing Kadazan traditional wedding clothes that I never thought I'll be wearing.

It was also a time where I adjust to my spouse under one roof, fighting and quarrelling over petty things.Fought with my colleuge,preparing to leave my comfort Zone and move to a new job in May and the worse was I scolded a mother in the dplane...disaster...

Deep in my heart, I knew it was so wrong and inappropriate, I never thought of another person's salvation. All I thought at that time was, don't disturb me and I will not make any adjustment for anyone...Boiling...

Above all, before ending of this year I ask for forgiveness from God and anyone that I have hurt.

Have a great December ahead...Look back with no regrets...
