Friday, September 01, 2006

Every Beginning Will End at its Proper Timing

Yup!~ Holiday has comes to its end and I'm getting ready for the next 7months and that's it. Can't believe that I have been studying for the last 3 and 1/2 years. I'll be missing my college life and start another stage in the legal field in real time.

So lets see..Since I have reap what I sow last year, I'm gonna work 10 times harder this year for my Finals. Sad to say I did not do very well for my Part one, I have no choice to do all possible for Part 2 or else I'm gonna end my degree with much regrets.

As much as I do not want to be a mediocre student, I have nothing much to say about my Part 1 result. I'm definately grateful that I don't have to repeat a year yet very dissapointed with myself for such a misserable result. Anyway, as a Disciple dissappointment will not bring any good nor able to change any facts. So 7 months to remedy my Degree with God's help everything would be possibble.

I have decided to stay in ATC and will register my subject this Saturday. Juris, Company, Succession and Conflicts. You might wonder why I take the Odd subjects like what I have dictate I have no choice at least for now. Prayerfully those subjects can make some sence while I'm studying it.

So a new beginning this year and I want to make my resolution come true. A new spirit and with new attitude.

Nothing ventured, nothinggained!!