Friday, November 07, 2008

Sick :(

I'm abit feverish now..still got 1 hour 30 minutes to go to finish my lecture.

My throat is so sore..I think I deserve an MC tomorow.


Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Day 2

Healthy Breakfast

1) A Cup of Hollicks - replacing Coffee
2) Papaya - yiaks hate it :(
3) Sandwich
4) Enzyme


1) 1/4 rice with 2 vegetables
2) Fruits - Hmm thinking...
3) Mark all assignment - I think I'll loose weight and vomit blood


1) Soup
2) Watching TV - maybe shall write some cards
3) 70 Skips


Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Day 1

1) Identify why am I getting Fat.
2) Cry at the corner
3) Start making a difference.

10 Things that will make you FAT

1. Not enough sleep. Is there a more obvious depleter? But amazingly overlooked by many as the one thing they can do to re-create energy and maintain their health and vitality.

2. Unexpressed emotion. If you are angry at someone or some thing and you ruminate, complain, and find no direct, cathartic way to express yourself such as talking, writing, playing sports, etc...over time it will fester in ways that not only drain motivation for self care but create self-defeating and self-harming behavior.

3. Unfinished projects. Leaving projects to begin new ones creates unfinished business and little, weighty, black clouds that follow our every move consciously or not.

4. Poor interpersonal boundaries. Setting boundaries to protect ourselves from prioritizing the needs and wants of others above our own frees up enormous energy and empowers us toward other forms of self care.

5. Not asking for help. Are you someone who feels that they should be able to "handle it" without burdening others? Do you refuse help even when it is offered? Accepting help reduces stress and creates friendships so why not do it?
6. Caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco. You know what is going to happen but you do it anyway.

7. Stress. Unresolved stress will lead to a state of di-stress over time. If you know what relaxes you then do it. If you don't then learn. Stress will kill you, but first it will make you fat.

8. Watching television. Yeah, we think we are relaxing, vegging out, but watching TV takes energy, disturbes sleep, and does not give us the rest we deserve.

9. Poor Eating Habits. The epitome of a vicious cycle.
The pooerer you eat the less energy you have to improve your eating.

10. Lack of exercise. Although it takes energy to exercise it also creates new energy and makes us feel good.

Please keep me accountable.