Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Day 2

Healthy Breakfast

1) A Cup of Hollicks - replacing Coffee
2) Papaya - yiaks hate it :(
3) Sandwich
4) Enzyme


1) 1/4 rice with 2 vegetables
2) Fruits - Hmm thinking...
3) Mark all assignment - I think I'll loose weight and vomit blood


1) Soup
2) Watching TV - maybe shall write some cards
3) 70 Skips



Anonymous said...

If don't like papaya, consider banana, tomato, carrot, orange, pear, sweet potato, star fruit, grapes.... etc... I used to routine my choice of fruit like one week apple, one week pear like that...

Ya write me card... :p
What is skipping?

Evelyn said...

Banana and Manggo banned from diet, health consultant say it's very high in calorie..

I shall try Orange :)


The Rope that you use to jump and jump one lah..

Write card to you?

Hmm good idea

About me: said...

Congratulations on getting healthy. How about we both go for ironman race in 2010 ?

Weird@@ said...

wau...becoming like health consultant ed :). good job for deciding to get health! for i am in the same boat with u :).

my breakfast is:
1)whole meal bread(i hope it is the correct name), with honey hehe...
2)soya bean punya protein powder with vitamins
3)scot liver oil

stil anticipate for comin supplement(tonic) for my liver hehe...

n lots of fruits!!! with exercise as well...


Evelyn said...

hi Tai Ko,

Thanks for dropping by ;) What? Ironmen 2010? mati oh... besi tak jadi aloy pun jadi lah...