Wednesday, June 27, 2007


At the Interview after the lecturing performance ( mock Lecture ):

Evelyn, how long it takes for you to prepare for this topic? me: 2 hours or so. Is this your favourite subject? Hmm not exactly I'm preparing it as it was one of my favourite topic and with the short time I have, so I guess it was a good topic to prepare.

Mr. Felix: Evelyn, if you work hard you'll go a long way. Ms Betty: Yup you can teach you have stand a challenge with the rest of them by doing a totally different topic. Mr Felix: knod with aggrement and approval. So what is your favourite subject? me: Contract. Ms Betty: If I give you a chance to teach contract you'll be more than glad? me: :) Yup!

So Evelyn why you want to teach? To be frank, I'm studying Law with the intention to become a lawyer one day, but my perspective have change along the way. The dedication, the hard work and Love from the Lectures have inspired me to be part of them. So here I am.

Mr. Felix: Great! I'm looking for someone with a heart to teach and with a passion. So Ms Betty what do you think? Yup she is good, I'll give her a chance. Mr Felix: I think you will do well, you just have to do more research for the lecture and build your student confidence in you. Alrite Evelyn " WELCOME ON BOARD " Here's your schedule for next week intensive training. We'll be the Monsters student, Please talk to your Boss about it and call me if there is anything you need.

Meanwhile, I hope the Best for you, we'll streamline again in September to choose the FINAL 8. Please go home and think trough 3 subjects of your best that you want to lecture and we'll see if we can give it to you...

Any question? Mr Felix, If I don't do my CLP will it be a detriment? Nope but eventually you will need to do your Masters. We have partner with the local university and if you intend to teach, LLM is what you should be looking at.

BLA BLA BLA.....7:20pm..Evelyn thanks for your time...see you on MONDAY.

Uncle JAGA

Hi Uncle! Hi come for interview? Yeah! I got it I'm coming next Monday dont tahan me ya!! lah welcome Welcome..

Fuh!! yeah!!!!!!!!!!!! God thank you so much giving me a chance to teach.. Shiau Foong and Li Kean you have been a real supporter and best friend to me. Meanwhile cannot forget my dedicated Brother Scott who give lots of advice and Input and Sock Wei for the correction and guidance. Thank you everyone for praying for me...

Love you'll... Monday 9.30am Will be in ATC for my first day training! Hip Hip Hooray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


✞ Đ ä ɳ ї ệ Ŀ ✈ :: said...

i'm leaving my comment here. i have to note down here very carefully here. Homer Simpsons is watching me... i dread the thought of having to face up to this maniac eating yellow monster.
oh... what am i typing all these?
sorry, Eve :P

anyway, i love the way you type all the conversations. i believe it truly can make you a better lecturer. a piece of advice to you: a good lecturer is someone who can tell good stories :)
and in fact, you are!

keep it up, woman :)
ta! (and ta, Homer...)

Leila Berg said...

FuYoh~! someone is getting high here. but she deserves it, for all the hardwork and prayers that make it up.

I think you did very very well of the above interview. I can see you did prepared and do homework, I saw smart answers.

Keep it up. For the light bright enough to shine farther. For the salt to leave unforgettable bites. For the small seed to grow up became tall and strong tree. For the glory of God.

I lust for goodnews ;)

Anonymous said...

Wa... how come got unfamiliar language comment here? Eve did you learn a new language without telling us? Hahaha... and since when Je Wei become fans of Digi...

well, full of praise from the interviewer wo... must be flying high on the way home. So lecturer Eve, do well. :)

Evelyn said...

Wow! What language is that? But it was damm cool...

Thanks for all the lovely comment! Nowadays bussier than a student though!

Have to read up so much in advance. But it was real fun!

Sori if there is no updates from!

Anonymous said...

Don't even know what is being written yet said cool.... you must be desperately needing attention... don't let your sanguine control you too much ah...