Saturday, September 08, 2007

How to respond ?

As a disciple we are thought to Love and reach out to the Lost. Many a times because we understand these concept we also want to be Love and be reach out to. As a disciple we are thought to Love our neighbour and pray for our enemies. So I thought....hmm interesting...who is my enemy then? I shall go home and spot them...I mean not my housemate I mean I shall go home to put it on paper and pray for them.

Sometimes it is just Hard to relate to them, but one thing I shall remember Jesus says: "I come for the sick" thus we are all equally sick people, we are not superior than the other.

This two weeks was a challenging week for me. Everyone is talking about results and I'm one of the minority who does'nt make it for a second class. It can be heart broken though after 4 years of hard work and I reap the fruit that I have sown. Anyway, I know I'm not in control of things I can't be mourning and self pity about it. Life is more important than just results.

Somehow knowing God, makes me believe in Justice than I was before. People says there is no justice in this world. I say there is! God will make Justice when time comes, otherwise we shall not even believe in Heaven right? So just like Love is from him thus we ought to love like him..and Justice is by him and we ought to obey..( Don't try to argue with me on this I'm not a Juris)

I love what I'm doing now, God has prepared the journey for me and I just need to keep going. Challenge and troubles will come, it is not why it comes but how I could respond with God glorifying attitude so that they can praise him for his works for a wretch like me.

So everyone, don't be sad for me. Don't be afraid to ask me about my results..God have a plan for me and a plan to prosper me and not to harm me, a plan to give me Hope and a Future...Love is what matters...

Thank God for all of you and my Lovely Boyfriend...Life is still beutiful to me :)


Anonymous said...

O... you do have enemies eh... I am surprise... :)

Are you sure you are already reaping the fruit now? Are you sure it's the fruit God want to give you? Sometime we will miss the spot just because we thought God think like us... I am sure all your hard work won't go in vain - just mark my word on it.

So how are your result? keke... God glorifying attitude eh... that's great. Hope and future He will provide you! Only want to thanks your boyfriend ah? Me lei?

Evelyn said...

You are included in the "all of you" category loh... :P