Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in vain

By now you can actually guage that my favourite subject for the year would be Jurisprudence. Why? probably is because the beauty of the subject matter. All my time use to discover what was this subject trying to tell me. For I do not know much.

Yup I do not know much and yet the Lord has encourage me by giving me a chance to serve my Sisters in my small group. I had a tough time thinking of what can I do for them and how we can grow together.

However, time just does not permits me to go further. I'm stepping down and shall pass my responsibility over to my new small group leader. I'm learning to understand that my Lord has not put my work in vain and I believe he love each one in my group to give them a better leader who can be there to serve them.

Dennon tought me submission today and the reason to submit. If my Lord is my Shepherd I shall not be in want I shall follow and submit to what he wants me to be. I'm sad that I can't do everything as I wanted to but I'm happy that I can do what the Lord intend for. So by now I'm almost ready to surrender. Almost ready? :) nope I'm ready to surrender for by his will I'm ready to be lead.

Grace said sometimes is good to step down and evaluate where went wrong. Ya for us to do great things we shall be ready to do small things. When I think about my mum about what she had done for the family I often think of the money she saved for my studies, the hardwork of her youth and how she encourages and gave me comfort when I fail in my exam.

Often times I forgot the small thing she did like washing tons of my cloths, cooking and preparing my meals, be a listening ear for me. So definately she is a woman worthy to be praise. Since I'm not called only to do big things, I'm ready to do the smaller one.

Proverbs 31:30:
30Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the LORD will be greatly praised. 31Reward her for all she has done. Let her deeds publicly declare her praise.

So farewell to Leadership and beginning of servanthood. Thanks also for all the encouragement.



Anonymous said...

Hey, This is impressive! Wow, you've got the humility to be a no-body, this is what I call -- CoOl. Really.

One way to become a Gods-will-driven-christian is to be the least. The LEAST! The no-body-ever-care-even-you've-sacrifice-alot type of servant. That's cool.

Jesus is one of them, the best of them. Happy are the sad, happy are the poor in spirit. God's paradox is stunning.

Well, happy reflecting on life! and enjoy being anonymous servant.

Evelyn said...

Hi Justin,

It has been a great encouragement to me always to hear from you. Ya at times God does put us in difficult situation. Like the flash I shall obey and be faithful always despite my weaknesses :)

Just to let you know I'm very proud of you serving in the song leadership and Campus! Keep it up! surely God's have great plans for you :)

Thank you ya!