Thursday, November 30, 2006

Exam Dilemma

Irene : for your info i dah baca corporate and there.

Eve : tonite I study Charge, We prepare Juris and Company only nak for exam?

Irene : Tak Boleh promise

Eve : ha? Meaning ade chance tak ambik exam?

Irene : adelah...ingin nak sit for company & juris

Eve : TETAPI.............................? EXCEPTION APE?

Irene : exceptions:

s1(a) if you are not ready, don't waste your time by sitting in the college
and wasting college electricity; ink and paper;

s1(b) if you got some other better things to do; do that than sitting for mock;

s1(c) mock is for only smart people;

s1(d) mock is a mockery

Eve : oi...only exception 1a) and 1d) apply to me woh...

Irene : its ok... you have can go now

Eve : Hahahahahaha...

Throw the dice then decide...mentally challenging....tired tired tired....


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