Friday, June 06, 2008


123....weeeeeee 1.........2.......3.....Weeeeeeeee! Higher...HIGHER.....gO hIGHER........

Daddy used to bring me out for a swing or swimming at the Swimming club... I still got my photo with my milk bottle. Looking back at childhood simply put a smile on my face.

Mum and Dad work very hard for the three of us. Mum used to cook lunch and which include also for us dinner, she and Dad will then leave the house by 11am for work and come back by midnight. Danny will took care of the two of us..doing homework, afternoon nap and heat up the dinner and make sure we finish our meal. I could'nt understand why we need to finish our food, sometimes you know kids need some junk! :P
Like the saying goes..a junk food a day keeps the child awake ;) hehehehe

Danny woke up early each morning to help dad prepare for his hawker stall. Dad own a van which he travel around selling burgers and drinks..After settling the two of us, Danny will ride his motorbike to the place where dad placed his stall and help them till evening comes.

Being a child all I know is to whine and argue with them why they should'nt work so much...they should just stay at home and have time with each one of us. Alex is the most timid of the three of us, he is quiet and never demand anything at all. He is easilty contented with things. Dad use to ask him what he want for his birthday..all he'll do is to shook his head. So dad decided to buy him a "REBORK" Pump shoe for his special'll not believe this " Pls don't try this at home " he slept with the shoe...I thought he was wierd...

Having stated that, I love each one of them very much. Despite the little time we have with each other..all my dad think of is our future, all mum wants is to see us grow and be someone out there. Danny understood their hardwork and thus waisting food is as bad as not appreciating them at all. As for Alex he is easily content with whatever dad gave him.

I pray that each of them will be able to know God and one day be in his Kingdom...

If you do have a prayer request do drop here. I'll be more than glad to pray for you...

Love you people :)


Anonymous said...

Like the saying goes..a junk food a day keeps the child awake? Does this saying really exist?

Prayer request? mmm.... haha... er...

Finally got some respond on the commment... that's great. =)

Anonymous said...

hi, it's great to read a little about your childhood story. you really have the talent in telling simple stories :) keep it up

Evelyn said...

He hehehehe ;) that's the way Blog reader...

thanx Daniel...ops I mean anonymous...he is paiseh to put his identity...

Anonymous said...

Hi Evelyn,

Another touching childhood story write by you. I am always touched by what you write. Keep it up.

Evelyn said...

Thank you Green Bean for the word of encouragement.