Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Someone ask the question as to why get married as it would be the first step to getting divorce? Since our world population is estimated to be 6,677,563,921 by July 2008 getting married will eventually reproduce many more people. If the rate of divorce spouse gonna be incresing, then there will be more broken family, and this will eventually increase both the suicide and crime rates in the country.

Ironically people still want to get married and want to have children of their own to continue the so called Sir name and generation of humanity. So if reproduction is important why not just have tube babies? They will then argue that is not the same it is not as a result of love. It is against the very nature as to how God intended how human being should multiply and many unwanted consequence. belive in God? Then why you believe in divorce? Sometimes...people just don't get along you see..So why get married?

Sound confusing Is'nt it?...I think people are just too struggle to admit the needs of the simplest things in life. Both God and relationship..even in the kingdom today many struggles with both of this simplest concept..the truth is coz we are too fearful of what is happening around us since history.

The question is why dwell in the pass? Why get depressed about it? Why not make a change? For me my greatest victory in life is able to know God and have a relationship with him. Through him, I understand the meaning of life and he how he intended things to be.

Though there are still many things to be discovered, but it was all exciting.. :)

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